eggshells, eggshells, 2018
ink on artist's butt, one egg between artist's butt cheeks, two dozen eggs given to audience members, two hired voice actors reading from "SOOT," cake, cream in measuring cup, vibrator, hammer, voice actors' costume (butt-scan t-shirt, fried egg bib, "ROSS" name-tag), artist's costume (tan coloured dress, tan coloured tap shoes, fried egg bib, "ROSS" name-tag)
performance duration: 15 minutes
Audience members are given an egg each, without instruction. The artist holds an egg between her butt cheeks, brandishing a bullseye towards the audience, leaned up against the wall in invitation. Two voice actors read excerpts from SOOT--an artist book about pornography, graveyard shifts, peep show patrons, and sexual security. At the reading's climax, the artist breaks the egg between her butt cheeks.
(After one minute, the first egg was thrown. By the end, only one egg was left.)
Exhibited at Unit 17 in Vancouver, B.C., on August 18, 2018 for the performance event "eggshells, eggshells" and "Peep Show Pop-Up".
(After one minute, the first egg was thrown. By the end, only one egg was left.)
Exhibited at Unit 17 in Vancouver, B.C., on August 18, 2018 for the performance event "eggshells, eggshells" and "Peep Show Pop-Up".